Life is Music: Volume 1 (The Calm Ones)
Memories have a weird way of finding attachment. As human beings we attach our most intense and stimulating feelings with small elements that make up our reality. For example, let's say you recently took a lengthy road trip across the country, from that trip you are more likely to remember what you heard and felt than what you actually saw. That's because as humans we're more likely to recall feelings and emotions that actually recollect events that accurately occurred in our life.
That's both a gift and a curse in the sense that we can become desensitized to our actual reality and more in tuned internally as to what's really going on. Music has a way of becoming the bridge to that layer as it presents the essence of what we feel, think, and hear into an expression through song choice and a collection of those various songs.
Music presents a wide spectrum of emotions some internally, some externally. Yet, it's widely agreed upon that music is present in almost every aspect of our life. It fills up our lives to the point where it becomes the representative for our life. Imagine a world where each person introduced their own self through their music library rather than words. Do you feel you would learn more about a person than the standard small talk that is usually initiated following the first interaction?
In my opinion, I would have to say yes because if I would open someone's music library to find Frank Ocean, Tame Impala, Toro y Moi and The xx among the most recently played, I might gather knowledge that this person is in tuned with themselves personally because the music they appreciate represents that. Now of course, I might be way off and very wrong but chances are, I am somewhere along the right line.
The music we appreciate has the ability to become the gateway into our life, that's because life is music and through the lyrics and melodies our songs tell a story, What's yours?
On a regular basis I'm going to post playlist created usually with themes in hopes to help everyone gain a deeper insight into their music tastes and allow the music choices to resonate and maybe display an unknown identity in someone.
As I said earlier, with each volume I'm going to try and establish a theme. The theme will them coincide with the playlist in a sense where you can actually listen to the playlist while reading the post. This week's theme derived from the idea of calmness, which a playlist compiled of different styles and genres of calm music will follow. That playlist will be easily accessible through a Spotify link or by clicking on the Spotify icon in the top left corner of this page.
To keep this post generally moderate in length I'll share just a couple of my favorite songs from this playlist and then you'll be free to discover the rest!
Favorite Songs from Life is Music Volume 1: The Calm Ones
1. Wrong by Nawas
2. The Journey by Tom Misch
3. Total Zombie by Day Wave
4. Drums by J.Robb
5. Yr Not Far by Diiv
6. End Game by Taylor Swift
Link to Life Is Music Volume 1: The Calm Ones: