2018: Life the Biggest Troll
“Leave it in 2017.”
“New year and new me.”
The list goes on and on and on. We’ve all heard it before. With all seriousness and sincerity, I do understand and get it, with the new year comes new natural expectations for changes and fresh representations into things to come and things being left behind. Generally, I don’t think its fair or necessarily right for other individuals to continuously slander others for wanting to make some changes into the new year, feeding them negativity and discouraging them instead of supporting change and do all you could possibly to steer them along to success. If it’s not your personal life, friend or not why do you care what changes someone is trying to make in the new year? Life is hard, the days get tough and long. God forbid someone tries to do something positive or upbuilding to make effective changes into their life.
What changes you decide to make in 2018 don’t have to be vocalized or profoundly accepted by the world. If you’re making changes to obtain and grow to a happier and healthier you then you’re good. In 2018, we’re leaving these justifications behind. Create what makes you happy, express what makes you happy and expound on that at all costs. Life is too short or too long depending on your definition to expend unnecessary energy on individuals that should be focusing on themselves and not others. The new age era of social media is a road block to that especially in the recent years. Understandable, my opinions are mine and I’m only trying to provide encouragement for myself and others, but these are just my words, ones in which ill post on social media. The point I’m getting at is that just because you see 100 people on social media saying their going to make all these major changes in 2018, doesn’t mean you’re obligated to follow suit and feel you need to make all these lives altering changes to keep up to par with them, or keep course.
Only you know yourself like yourself, Yes, readjustments occur consistently over of time but if you feel you’re progressing along well and trusting your process then continue doing so. In 2018 we’re going to stop trying to live up to par with everyone else and start living up to yourself. I’m just over the era of comparisons, they need to die and end. Everybody is living their own life one way or another, so it’s more beneficial to just be yourself and live your own then consistently stumble yourself following in someone else’s footsteps.
I mean at the end of the day we all just want to strive to obtain a measurable level of happiness and spread that around to our loved ones. Comparisons and expectations hinder that process from stemming along and a consistent basis. Expectations are the absolute devil. For a good majority of the year I found myself stumbling with the ideas and concepts of trying to understand others and situations. Quickly I learned that I can’t do that. It’s of no use and it’s all in vain.
At the end of the day…..listen closely….
At the end of the day, human beings are going to do whatever they need to do to reach some level of happiness and sometimes that may include certain things and situations that are not favorable to you.
Yes, it sucks but until you come to terms with that like I did then life is going to continue to be just a giant bowl of confusion soup. Now don’t get me wrong, I still do believe I am going to attract new and fresh good people, situations and scenarios into my life into in 2018 through my faith and own positive good will, yet I understand that life is weird, and things balance themselves out in questionable ways. Good things do happen to good people, but nobody said those good things or good people must come along by a certain timeframe. Good people consume more time and energy trying to be good people than trying to figure out other good people. I cannot express enough how much time I have wasted trying to figure out other people and why some choose to stay in my life and others don’t. I’m practicing healthy detachment from expectations in 2018, what’s going to flow is going to flow and what or who isn’t going to work can find it’s way out. There’s too much to live for and too many ways to live life then to continue being miserable without sustainable friendships or relationships.
The healthiest way to life your life starts with your own personal healthy relationship. We’ve all heard the expression “love yourself or nobody will,” How about loving yourself because you know only you can give yourself the best love? That’s a trend I’d enjoy watching.
All I’m saying is let’s practice a healthier lifestyle and mentality in 2018. Attract what’s beneficial to your own personal self and your own wellbeing. Focus on attracting good energy into your life through positive actions, focus on attracting good qualities that build you up towards your goals and becoming the individual, you know you we’re truly made to be.
Here’s to 2018, a time of you.
All Love,